Saturday, September 28, 2024


The universe can be really funny. 

 I appreciate that and I want to notice more especially as I feel I have lost some of my sense of humor.  I feel I've stayed in the weeds a lot on my healing journey. 

Yet God/Divinity does have a sense of humor. 

I'm paying attention and it is a healing act to find the funny when we can.

George and I, the new empty nesters recently watched the two season HBO MAX series, "The Flight Attendant" with Kaley Cuoco.  She is the flight attendant with a drinking problem who wakes up in a Bangkok hotel room next to a deceased passenger that she had been partying with the previous night. His throat has been slit and there is blood everywhere.   This is not my normal fare because I haven't been able to watch violence and blood for quite some time.  Yet I was drawn to the quirky, twist and turns as the main character is trying to clear her name.  Kaley's character has repeated flashbacks of the bloody dead man with his neck slit over and over which was really instilled in my head. 

That takes me to the current issue of the last few weeks. 

I am in the middle of a medical issue.  For the last few years, I have had high levels of calcium in my body and recently, the number went outside of the normal range.  I had no idea what that meant, so the last few weeks, I have been immersing myself with hypercalcemia and now hyperparathyroidism. (and that is not thyroid, parathyroid! and a growth that is  highly likely to be benign)  I have had bloodwork, an ultrasound, bone test, twenty-four hour urine collection and as of yesterday, a nuclear medicine test.  We have now located approximately where the out of whack gland is that so that a surgeon can more easily find it to take it out. 

Guess where the surgery will occur?  It would require a slit across my neck!

Okay, a smaller slit, but still, a slit!

Right after I found about the potential surgery, I keep having the bloody vision of that deceased character in my head and then I laughed at it.  That is huge for my anxiety ridden self. What is the likelihood of seeing a bloody slit neck over and over for two weeks straight and then discovering I need to have my own neck sliced to heal myself?   

The universe's other funny bit is that in the same time period of watching that show, I started using a new cream...on my neck.  My children make fun of me because sometimes I fall for ads on social media.  I am now trying the "Go Pure Tighten and Lift Neck Cream."  I have noticed the things going on now with my neck... stupid selfies. 

Now, there will be a slit in that neck that I'm trying to lift and tighten and improve the appearance of.

The universe continues to give me opportunities to laugh and is telling me - Let Go.  Let go of the superficial!  I've earned all of these wrinkles, crepey skin, sun spots and the crinkle action in my neck.  I am beginning to embrace aging gracefully, but on the other hand I will never stop dyeing my hair...

Riley and Mallory do you hear me?! 

We all have a line. That is my line.  My beloved long term hairdresser says that my coloring doesn't fair well for grey hair.  I am going with that for now. I thoroughly embrace those who go with grey hair though.  

Most importantly, Laughter is the Best Medicine.  As I continue having medical issues, it would be really good for me to break up the fear and anxiety with some laughter.  I have noticed that in hospital settings in previous procedures,  many employees actively use humor to lighten things up.  Each time I am reminded, oh yeah, that is such a good thing. 

