On Friday evening, Mallory was invited to Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party. At first, she said she didn't want to go because of "The Mouse." If any of you have had experience with Chuck E Cheese, or have children who are fearful of humans dressed as characters, you know what I'm talking about. The human sized automated rat that helps some children celebrate their birthday and puts the fear of God into others and they run screaming in the other direction. Riley talked Mallory into going to the party because we had leftover tokens from our last visit and she wanted to use them. When other schools started in early August, we visited Chuck E Cheese and were basically alone in the place, and it was fabulous for a mom who hates all of the noise and people and my children who feel the same way but don't understand that about themselves yet.
Zoom forward to Friday night, lots of people, lots of noise, we walk in the door, and get our security stamps. Mallory proceeds to run off from me and I realize she is "freaking out." I try to get us to the party table and did after I picked the four year old and put her on my hip (and my back is hurting now...) After about five minutes of continued strife, I try to take us back out to the token game area. Riley thinks we are leaving for good and proceeds to bite Mallory on the leg, but doesn't sink her teeth into it. Mallory is still wigging out. I explain to Riley that we were not leaving I was trying to head towards the games as Mallory continues to express her discontentment with staying. After realizing that this is not going to work at all, we leave for real. Riley is not happy and proceeds to pitch more fits, and punishments are handed out. Mallory gets really quiet and is just looking out the window. It is a sad scene in the Golightly van.
Zoom forward to Tuesday night at the homework table. Riley has finished her homework and I have asked her to help me encourage Mallory to work on her scissor skills and writing with a pencil. But this go round, Mallory is so excited and Riley is cheering her own big time. "I wrote an L" she would say and we would all cheer. After a few minutes of this, Mallory turns to Riley and says something about Chuck E Cheese and then says "I'm sorry we left the party."
Zoom to verklempt me, who thinks this is the sweetest thing I have ever heard.
Sometimes the sweetness comes out of nowhere!