The desktop computer is now in super slow mo since we moved it (and I don't know how to fix it) and it is Dunham online re-enrollment time. After entering the information on the registration page three different times!!!, it finally went through, yet now it won't print a hardcopy which I need to complete the process by the 5th of this month. Aaaarrrgggghhhh.
My Nook E-reader stopped working which has the book I am currently reading with my Sunday group. I hassled with those folks on the phone this morning and need to mail it back.
I have piles of "things" that need to go to my donation center, to consignment, and I'm trying to figure out storage for DVD's and CDs. Lots of piles. Not to mention the girls' scrapbook and materials spread out all over the dining room table as well.
I decided to let go of my cleaning lady - who could only come at 2 in the afternoon and there was a language barrier. I couldn't deal anymore. Luckily, my original lady is available again and she charges less but I get a little less.
So here I am in discombobulation, a very uneasy place for me to be, thank you hormones (I do know that there are worse places to be in but this is what I'm feeling today.) I use to get really paranoid and irritated at this PMS time of my cycle but now I'm working with it...if I feel sad, I cry. If I feel angry, I let myself feel angry. I journal. I'm allowing the emotions, and respecting them which is something I have not done in the past. I am nurturing myself and evidently I NEED this..
AND.....even with all of this discombobulation, I'M NOT TURNING TO FOOD FOR THE ANSWER!!!

Okay, time to let go of the other stuff, I will get to each of these tasks in order of importance. It will get done....eventually. The piles will go to the proper places. Deep breathe. Thank you for reading, it is Little Gym time.
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