This photo represents as it should be. "I give myself over to you God, take me I am yours, I greet you with excitement and LOVE!"
Wow, what an amazing difference.
With baby steps, I am turning towards this welcoming pose of God. Baggage is being removed slowly and surely as I see and feel the light, and the love. And the shame is receding.
Recently in a book study with our new pastor at my church, the chapter suggests that instead of calling ourselves sinners, we should follow the mantra, "I am a Saint." There were some who spoke up immediately and were tripped up because they do not want to give up the sin label. I fully embraced the notion of being a saint at first. I was enthralled by it so much that I sent a long email to the pastor which I would never have done in the past. But a few days into the week, that way of thinking fell to the wayside. I forgot.
It takes a long time to rewire the thinking process. I see it happening bit by bit and I celebrate when it happens. There was a great quote that said "You don't know you are there until you ARE there." One day I will feel more like a saint than a sinner and on that day I will call it a "thing" because it will feel monumental.
I think I will post a note on my dashboard and mirror to remind myself of my sainthood daily. I think it will help to have that in my face reminder. We will see.
How amazing Caro! I recently read something about posture that said the arms-raised-head-up stance is very empowering...even on a physiological level.