Yes, eight years to be exact. We are leaving in a few short days to visit Disney World again. Something spurred me on to make it a mission to finish this album.
In 2013, I made an earnest effort to finish and by that I mean, I pulled out all the materials and posted about it on Facebook. My daughter came across this pic on FB two days ago and made fun of me.
That was four years ago.
But that attempt did get me as far as being completely organized and knowing exactly what pages were left.
But that attempt did get me as far as being completely organized and knowing exactly what pages were left.
I swore off ever doing another scrapbook years before that, but I had to finish this one. I now make Shutterfly albums using digital photos and I have several of those under my belt and already on the shelf.
But the 2009 Disney Scrapbook remains.
GaGa loved "It's A Small World." She was enchanted by it. When we went in 2012 a few months after she died, I felt her on that ride and I teared up. I was enchanted and enjoyed it and was grateful.
I was in the moment in that ride.
Do I not want to finish this album because it permanently finishes the trip? Who knows?! I only had a few pages left. Last night, I finished those pages. So it's done. But yet, I keep tweaking and printing captions. I need to put all of the remaining materials away and yet I procrastinate.
I can feel some emotion stirring as I type this so I may be on to something. I just know it's time to finish. There will always be residual sadness. GaGa died five years ago last month. She loved my girls up close and personally. She was at our house all the time. She was with us.
Letting go of a person who loved my children and I, whole-heartedly, well, it's hard to lose a person like that in your life.
But it's time to finish. She is still with me. Her sense of fun. She had much gratitude about simple things. That stood out to me. I carry that with me.
She and Charlie (her husband) would always remark after we went somewhere for a meal or an event how nice it was. Those remarks always stood out to me. Now I can see it as a gratitude and living in the moment. Gratitude is good.
I'm looking forward to Disney World. There will be good moments and bad moments. But I'm thrilled that the girls are looking forward to it. We have a countdown dry erase board for it. We are so excited to see our family spirit animal, Eeyore in person! An aside is that Riley is starting high school in a few months. How long will family vacations go on? Time is passing. How DID that happen?
I still see them this way.