Mallory can now buckle herself in the van ALL BY HERSELF!! Woo Hoo!!

I need an atlas when we take a road trip. All of these electronic devices can do just so much. Garmin, our GPS, needs to be updated. The two hotels we stayed at, were not on it's radar. Garmin doesn't take the most direct or efficient route and we haven't figured out how to tell it to. We were able to tour downtown Atlanta upon our entrance and did you know Atlanta's original name was Terminus. We read the travel book while taking the long way to Helen and Robert's house.
George needs reading glasses in order to view the IPhone or anything small and I let him know this fact and that he needs to keep reading glasses with him at all times.
It is great to see old friends and pickup right where we left off.
My former neighbor's new home is so relaxing to me because it is decluttered and minimalistic. I loved this about her old house as well. I want to make my home this way yet I have two and a half persons going against me on a daily basis, but it enocouraged me to keep working towards that design.
Hours in a car are multiplied by 1.5 for a child under the age of 5.
George likes to drive for hours upon end and I don't AND I should just let him. I was able to finish reading one book and make it halfway into the next. Why did I feel like I needed to give him a break when he didn't want one?
IPads are really cool but definitely worth waiting for the 3G version. And it must have been named by a group with no female input.
My brother in law did not know who Kate Gosselin was (understandable) or Justin Timberlake, either. I am not judging, I wish I didn't enjoy watching Kate being pushed around the dancefloor like a shopping cart so much, but I do. And I accept that about myself.

The grass turned green in BR during the time we were gone.
Vacations are awesome!
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