Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Goodbye 2024: A Sigh, Some Sadness and Deep Acceptance

 The last day of 2024 is upon us. Wow.  This has been a... year.  Year is written in a tone of eyes widened and a snarky look. It has been eventful medically as well as moving into a new life stage.  In March, I started using a tool in the form of medication to lose weight and I cannot even wrap my head around it, as I have lost weight. My youngest child graduated and went off to college. In September, I discovered that I had hyperparathyroidism which explained why I have felt decades older than I am for the last few months (years?).  Also likely why I thought I had ADD.  In December, I had surgery to remove the parathyroid adenoma and half my thyroid (no cancer found). Lastly, I was a part of the country reacting to the election in disbelief of how could this person be elected again. 

I have been writing this blog since 2009 and my entries have slowed since the last half of that sixteen years. In some ways that is okay, but I do have many creative ideas that come to me and I have not acted upon them for whatever reason.  This I know: I need to write to process life.  I need to use my divinely given creativity as well. Hyperparathyroidism has taken a lot from me lately.  I have experienced constant brain fog,  depleted energy levels, muscle weakness, achy bones, headaches and increased anxiety.  Yes, all of that from too much calcium in the body. Doing the bare minimum has been a stretch at times, and I'm thankful for my husband who has been patient with me.   I'm also so very thankful for a Facebook support group that has enlightened me that it could take up to a year to recover fully from this little known condition.  I had the surgery, the numbers look good but the symptoms are still here.  I am turning the corner in that I have ecstatic moments of mental clarity and I can tell I have more energy for tasks although still becoming depleted in a short amount of time. 

My annual decluttering phase is here but after two days of continued work, I'm empty again. Yesterday, I had an occular migraine and progress was made that I did not freak out as badly as it did the other two times that I had it. I went to the eye doctor months ago to check it out and after much discussion with my bestie, we think it is an eye headache.  This time, I told myself the lightening squiggles were going away, and I took CBD tincture to help relax.  I was then sensitive to sound and light for much of the day and had to rest. 

I had to rest. 

I have been doing a lot of resting and being with myself.  I have really gotten use to the quiet and I like it.  I'm glad I have done a lot of work to be with discomfort. 

I have been doing a lot of resting because that is all I can do. This is how it goes.  It's time to walk the dog.   Maybe I can go farther this time. Just a few moments in, I start feeling depleted once again.  My mind goes, oh nooooooo.  Muscle weakness creeps in. I can't go farther. I beat myself up for not being able to do more. I go back home and find sources to read that this is normal.  It took this condition a few years to advance itself, it is not going away immediately.  

So I rest and accept. 

I now have a headache, achiness all over, no energy and a little dizziness from the dog walk, writing, living.  

To sum all this up, I want to write more. I also have limitations. I am recovering and it's going to take time and I have to be patient with myself.  I am writing a few more minutes to finish this in a not so eloquent way because this doesn't have to be perfect. 

It just is. 

It is where I am.  Deep acceptance.  

The country is where it is.  There has been an uncovering of the belly of the beast. It's always been there.  

A sigh, some sadness and deep acceptance.  


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