Cleaned out the Master Closet with the help of the girls on Monday. I was primed and ready to let go of clothes. And then I began feeling sad, as I was letting go of the memories. But mainly the sadness was from the nice clothes that no longer fit. I have now learned to pay attention to the emotion. It doesn't change the fact that I am letting go of the stuff, but that it is okay to feel sad.
But getting rid of the "stuff" helps me with my vision. The vision that includes an active and healthy body and mind that will eventually and naturally get to the weight that I will become accustomed to. He he he... Also the vision of a more clean, less cluttered home which is in metamorphasis as I am!!

I really wanted to purge more than I purged the last time and I DID. This time when I came across the dress that I have saved since before 1993, it went in the GO pile. It was from my first formal date with George. The thing is there is no reason to keep it, so let's have fun with it. Mallory wanted to try it on. And the girls tried on other things as well and we had the music going. It was the party to let things go.
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