I'm enthused for the moment, I'm on a decluttering roll...Christmas decorations are down and now up in the attic. (We even declutterd those!) I was almost as excited to put the decorations away as I was to put them on display. A couple of days ago, we went through the girl's playroom closet and we let several bags and boxes go and the closet is organized, and everything has a place. We even decluttered the attic. It feels
really good. I'm working hard to get the high from getting rid of stuff and simplifying, rather than buying. It has been a slow shift in thinking and action for the last couple of years. This afternoon, the van (heretofore will be known as Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration-thank you Cousin Herman) was loaded up with donatables which we brought to the Bargain Depot for Connections for Life, a ministry of our church.

I decided to take a walk on the wild side with a new zebra print bedspread. Mallory walked in and said, "Who did this?" But she and Princess the cat seem to both like it. This purchase is to compensate for the "we decided not to sell the house, but are so happy we didn't" letdown. Actually, the very nice organizer lady picked out a plain white bedspread when we were "staging" the house and I needed to take back ownership of my bedroom. And it was 50% off and checked out for even less than that at the department store. I just love it when that happens!
Riley and I have been watching episodes of "Clean House" on the Style channel. Either I've been home with kids too long, or these shows really are funny. Espcially one of the hosts, Niecy Nash who cracks me up. Well, there is so much more to do including the clothes in my closet, the bathroom cabinets, the bookcases, the girls clothes, the under the bed box with memorabilia, etc., etc. Oh, and not to forget the daily stuff that has to occur as well! I want to keep the decluttering going. I just need time, energy and motivation. I really see the connection between an organized decluttered home and how that relates to having a vision for life. I feel better when I'm in my house and I feel better when I come back. I just need to keep the roll going.
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